Interesting facts about olive oil

Mediterranean residents have been using olive oil since ancient times. Moreover, it is widely used both in cosmetic procedures and in order to season some dish. It has long been proven that olive oil strengthens health, prolongs youth and allows you to maintain beauty. Today olive oil is not at all problematic. But it is unlikely that everyone who uses this oil for certain purposes knows about all its unique properties.

Unique properties

Studies have shown that olive oil has a unique composition and does not look like others, since it contains components that are completely absorbed by the human body. Thanks to vitamin E and antioxidants, this oil contributes to the enters of vitamins A and K cells. And this, in turn, acts positively on the condition of the skin, hair and health in general.

Olive oil positively affects the functioning of the human digestive system, improves intestinal motility. If you have gastritis or stomach ulcer, then the regular use of this oil for three months will help get rid of these unpleasant diseases. It’s just enough every day in the morning to drink a tablespoon of olive oil on an empty stomach. In addition, this ingredient contributes to the excellent operation of the gallbladder, as it has a slight laxative and choleretic effect.

The benefits for pregnant women and children

The composition of this oil includes fatty acids, which are simply necessary for the body of a woman during the development of the fetus, especially for the formation of the nervous and bone systems.

Oil obtained by cold squeezing olives should also be used to switch babies from breastfeeding to adult food, since it is fatty acids in its composition that are close to the fact that they are in breast milk. In addition, linoleic acid, which is responsible for the health of the skin of the child, in olive oil is in the right amount. Oil must be added to the first children’s porridge and vegetable puree, starting with one drop and gradually increasing the dose to a teaspoon per day.

Here, olive oil has such beneficial properties. But it is still widely used by many well -known cosmetic companies, adding it to their face and body creams, to hair masks and other cosmetics, because it has remarkably nourishes the skin, saturating it with vitamins.

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