Interesting secrets of pancakes

Since time immemorial in Rus’, pancakes are considered one of the most favorite dishes, because even before the baptism they baked and used as sacrificial bread as a gift from Perun, escorting the winter and meeting warm spring time, because these fragrant products are incredibly similar to the sun. Despite the fact that the history of this dish has been going on for more than a thousand years, today they have not lost their widespread, and in particular, are actively prepared for Shrovetide.

Initially, it was customary to cook pancakes without eggs and milk, that is, it was standard yeast tortillas. Over time, the recipes were constantly changing and complemented, as a result of which it turned out such a wide variety of this dish that can be found today.

Classic pancake

This recipe is the most common and is used today in almost every family. The dough is poured into a pan with a small ladle, and this must be done rather slowly, in the end, the pancakes do not turn out too thick, gradually turning the pan back and forth, so that the dough can ultimately spread evenly. In the predominant majority of cases, it is customary to lubricate a frying pan with lard or oil, and the lard for this is pricked to the fork.

To exclude the possibility of using too much oil, you can wrap a piece of cotton wool in gauze, and then dip it in oil and lubricate the pan. Когда края темнеют до коричневого оттенка, а сам блин при этом покрывается пузырьками, можно его смело переворачивать.

It is believed that by preparing pancakes in milk, ultimately it turns out a much more tasty dish than cooked on the water, but at the same time they ultimately become more magnificent, as a result of which many prefer to use two products at the same time.

Russian pancakes

Russian pancakes are prepared mainly from:

warm water;

buckwheat flour;

dry yeast;

wheat flour.

In the process of preparing such pancakes, two types of flour are initially mixed and boiling water flows, after which the consistency is mixed very quickly until it turns into a thick lump of dough. After that, warm water is poured into the yeast and added to the dough, and then salt and sugar are already added. After the dough rises, you can start cooking pancakes.

If you have no buckwheat flour at the moment, then in this case you can only be prepared on wheat.

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