Pizza test secrets

Italian pizza can be called a fairly simple dish, because it is an ordinary cake with different ingredients. But many of us have probably noticed that in some restaurants and cafes it is prepared much tastier than in others. Moreover, sometimes the order of Pizza Butovo can please the fan of this dish much larger than the visit to the expensive pizzeria.

In fact, there are several important secrets in the preparation of real pizza. One of them is a properly cooked dough. Thanks to him, any housewife, regardless of experience and culinary skills, will get the most delicious pizza Butovo or any other area of ​​Moscow with their numerous stores allow you to buy all the necessary products. First of all, it is good quality olive oil (it is it that gives the dough a thin, delicate taste and the necessary elasticity), as well as flour and yeast.

How to knead the dough correctly?

You need to knead the dough in a calm atmosphere, in a warm room without drafts and in a good mood. It is best to use water, so that the process of fermentation of the yeast occurs slower, and the pizza “rises” exactly as it should. The flour must be sifted so that the dish turns out to be light, crispy and air. All manipulations with the test should only be carried out with your hands, and knead until its structure becomes homogeneous and elastic. In order for the finished pizza to be tender, it is also recommended to roll out the base manually, without a rolling pin – just carefully stretch the dough on the board (if everything is done correctly, it will not break or compress), forming a cake of the required shape.

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