Japanese food

Japanese cuisine appeared in our country for a long time and at the same time strengthened tightly. Today you can meet it in any city, for example, the delivery of land in Sevastopol or any other city is no longer surprising.

Despite the fact that Japanese cuisine is very diverse, just sushi and roles are more popular, these are the most favorite dishes in our country among Japanese cuisine.

Sushi today can be found in almost any institution, not a single large restaurant can do without sushi menu. This is so much a habit, the establishment in which sushi is not served, causes surprise.

However, the prohibitively high price for this product is strongly frightened, of course, the composition includes not cheap red fish, and the rest of the ingredients are also worth a lot, but the same price for the finished product remains exorbitantly expensive.

This is not difficult to calculate, if you prepare this product at home, then the price will be three times lower, it turns out that we purchase one portion at the price of all the ingredients.

Many have long known that it enjoys this product is much more profitable if you cook it at home. In fact, nothing complicated, in the preparation of such a dish as sushi or rolls.

The main thing is to observe the technology of preparing this product, to do everything gently in stages, without departing from the instructions, this is a mandatory rule for the preparation of a good, quality product. Also, do not rush in this matter, Japanese cuisine does not like haste. Observe not only the correct technology of preparation of the product, but also the freshness of each ingredient, especially for fish. Fresh fish, the key that you will not be poisoned.

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