Apricot cheesecakes – culinary recipe with photo

So fresh berries and fruits began to appear, let’s prepare very tasty cheesecakes with apricots on this occasion.

Ingredients for cheesecakes with apricots:

Cottage cheese – 400 grams.

Sugar – 3 hours. l.

Chicken eggs – 2 pcs.

Vanilla sugar – 5 g.

Powdered sugar

5-7 apricots

Baking powder – 1 h. l.

Flour – 5 tbsp. l.

Salt – 1 pinch

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Apricot cheesecrace recipe with apricots

Mark the cottage cheese with a fork so that there are no large lumps.

Add eggs, sugar and vanilla sugar to it. Mix the ingredients.

Pull the flour with salt, baking powder and add to the cottage cheese, knead and leave to stand for half an hour or an hour. The dough should be very soft and well behind the hands.

After that, apricots need to be divided into halves and finish the bones.

The next step is to form cheesecakes by placing in the middle of each half the apricot (to do it optimally with wet hands so that the cottage cheese does not stick to the hands).

All cheesecakes need to be rolled in flour and put on the board, and then let stand for about fifteen minutes.

After all, you need to fry these cheesecakes in sunflower oil until a golden crust appears on both sides.

Когда сырники с абрикосами слегка остынут, их можно посыпать сахарной пудрой.

Bon appetit!

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