Peculiarities of raising children in Egypt: traditions and features

In Egyptian society, there is a passive attitude towards the upbringing and education of children. It is not customary to play educational games with children, read them fairy tales, or teach them anything from an early age.

Parents assign this responsibility to kindergartens and schools. In modern Egypt, so that the child does not interfere with adults doing their business, parents suggest watching a cartoon or playing computer games. Also, children are not sent to clubs or sports sections from an early age, because they believe that the child does not understand what he wants.

Egyptians raise daughters more strictly than sons. Boys grow up with the idea that they are allowed to do anything. Girls may dislike their brothers because they have to help around the house and clean up not only after themselves, but also after their brothers.

There are paid and free schools in Egypt. Primary education is considered compulsory (from 6 to 12 years old), only half of the children receive secondary education. Starting from the age of 11, girls study separately from boys.

In free schools, children’s knowledge is at a low level, there can be up to 60 students in a class. Such schools are attended by children from poor families. Teachers are relaxed about students skipping classes, even if there is no valid reason. Children study English as a foreign language in free schools, but without going into grammar, and no one requires students to pronounce words correctly.

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