Potato zrazes with meat

Potato zrazes – the dish is by no means new, in Lithuania it was prepared back in the 14th century, and the name comes from the Polish “Zrazy” – cut off a chopper. At first, potato zrazes with meat were prepared with any meat in combination with vegetable or egg filling. And later, any products that can be found in their kitchen began to be used as a filling. So zrazy became a universal dish, which received recognition among Belarusians, Ukrainians, Poles. In Ukraine, pins with mushrooms or meat are especially popular.

It is not difficult to cook potato zrazes with meat, and the dish is very tasty and satisfying. You need to cook meat (mainly beef, but you can also chicken or pork), scroll it in a meat grinder. Finely chop onion and fry it until golden in vegetable oil. The meat is mixed with onions, salted and peppers to taste.

Potatoes in a uniform are boiled in parallel, after cooking it needs to be a little cooled, then cleaned and extended. Salt the resulting mass. Add the egg and mix again. Then form a cake from the potato mass and put a meat filling on each cake. The edges of the cakes should be blocked, giving the barracks an oval shape. For some, it is difficult to model cakes to facilitate the process, you can moisten your hands in water or use greased with vegetable oil with cling film. Formed potato pins with meat are fried on both sides in hot vegetable oil. Zrazy – the product is very fragile, can fall apart in a pan, so it is better to immediately fry them on each side until readiness. If you still fall apart, you can first roll them a little in flour.

Typically, potato pins with meat are served to the table with sour cream, you can sprinkle with finely chopped greens, for example, parsley or dill, green onions and green onions are suitable for this dish. It’s good to serve a cabbage salad or some lightweight salad to the snaps.

It is not necessary to cook zraz with meat filling, traditional cuisine quite allows deviations from traditional recipes if you have a fantasy. You can, for example, make minced meat, frying onions with carrots, and some even use finely chopped sausages as minced meat, it tastes very well.

Vegetarians also should not deny yourself pleasure, you can make zrazy without meat filling, just such peculiar pies of boiled potatoes that can be tilted in panning crackers and fry, this is also very tasty!

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