Types of the first dishes

The first dishes are not only the soup of all our beloved by all of us. For many years in Rus’, no one knew about such a dish at all. Previously, various stews of mushrooms and vegetables were prepared here. Today the stews have not gone out of fashion. They are prepared both at home and in restaurants. The ear is no less popular, the preparation methods of which there are several hundred.

Hot dishes. Borsch

Popular first dishes recipes with photos of which can be found on the Internet – these are a variety of borscht. They are not only in the national cuisine of Ukraine, but also in many other countries. Moreover, in each state, borsch is prepared in its own way. In the classic version, this dish necessarily includes carrots, potatoes and onions.

Cabbage soup

The national Russian first dish is cabbage soup. The main ingredients of the cabbage soup are sorrel, cabbage and a variety of greens. According to the ancient tradition, this food is supposed not to cook, but to drop into the furnace, as, say, stewed vegetables. Depending on the components of the cabbage soup are divided into empty and rich. Empty are prepared exclusively from vegetables, and sour cream and meat are added to the rich.


Solyanka is another famous type of first dishes. They are prepared on steep broth with the addition of all kinds of spices. The main feature of the hodgepodge is the presence of sour ingredient, say, lemons, olives or salty cucumbers.

Cold dishes. Okroshka

In addition to hot ones, there are a large number of cold first dishes. The primacy among them belongs to Okroshka – a cold soup, for the creation of which kvass or kefir is used. It is supposed to add spices such as dill or basil, as well as finely chopped vegetables to the okroshka.


In our country, such a cold soup as a beetroot is also widely known in our Fatherland. It is very similar to okroshka and differs from it only in that it includes a beetroot broth, which, ideally, should be prepared at home.


Recently, a worthy of competition by okroshka and beetroot is a gaspacho – a cold soup invented in Spain. It is prepared from cucumbers, tomatoes, bread crumb and bell pepper. Gaspacho used garlic and olive oil as a seasoning. This dish resembles thick mashed potatoes and can even play the role of sauce.

Unusual and classic recipes

Recipes of the first dishes of different kitchens of the world often duplicate each other or have minimal differences. Say, the only difference between Slovak Kapustova and Russian SCAS is only the name. But there are many unique recipes that are easy to find, using the Internet.

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