Pumpkin cookies

Friends, try amazing and very tasty-handed pumpkin cookies!

What do you need:

250 g of puff pastry, part of pumpkin weighing 250 g, cream cheese 150 g, 2 t. tablespoons of simple sugar and a tablespoon of vanilla, one and a half teaspoon of cinnamon of ground and a little olive oil.

How to cook:

Clean and cut not very large cubes. Fry the pulp of pumpkin in oil within 8 minutes, not forgetting to mix it. Next, removing from the fire, transfer to the cup, add cream cheese, cinnamon and two types of sugar. Mix to get a homogeneous mass.

Roll the dough into a layer (roll it thinly) and cut out circles, the diameter of which is approximately 12 cm. On each circle to make cuts along the edge (frequent or not, as you wish, and let the length of the cut be about 2 cm). Melt them a little with water.

Put the filling in each circle (1 t. spoon). On cookies, choose incisions to the center. Before you bake cookies, it is better to lubricate the baking sheet with oil, and heat the oven itself to 200 °. Bake pumpkin cookies 10 minutes. Pleasant appetite and good mood to you and your loved ones!

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