Raw food transition

The last century has brought to our lives many pleasant things that have greatly simplified life. But progress has the opposite side of the medal: every year we come off by nature and we eat low -quality food, breathe polluted air. And as a result of illness, stress, obesity.

One of the options for solving the problem of malnutrition, gaining more and more fans around the world is a raw food diet. Supporters of the direction try to eat only unprocessed products, in a “living” form, absolutely rightly believing that during cooking, conservation, casseroles, etc. the majority of the elements necessary for the body is lost.

Experts recommend novice raw foodists a gradual transition to a new diet. For example, the first time you can eat right for one week, the other – as usual. Thus, the body will not experience excess stress.

If at the very beginning, hunger is acutely felt, it is necessary to strengthen the diet with nuts, dried fruits and bananas. With a temporary lack of energy, it should be rested on freshly squeezed juices. Moreover, with problems with the stomach, it is advisable to dilute them with water, in order to avoid excess acidity.

The beginning of raw food diet is characterized by the withdrawal of accumulated toxins from the body. At this moment, a feeling of weakness, dizziness, aches in muscles and joints is possible. If such phenomena proceed too actively-pause for 2-3 days, and then return to the right diet.

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