Soaked apples in a barrel: recipe

Let’s talk about barrels. Unexpected topic, true? But I’m sure that these are at least interesting interior objects and the way to deliberately cook pickles. Let’s see how easy it is to cook delicious soaked apples in it!

In a barrel you can cook salted watermelons, cucumbers, tomatoes, wine, beer, kvass and many other delicious dishes. And one of the most beloved products in the winter in Rus’ has always been soaked apples. Of course, now we girls can buy them in banks in supermarkets, but you are sure that they can feed their kids? It seems to us that one can only be that you have cooked yourself. And, however, I want to taste these spicy sweet and sour apples in winter? So we will talk about how to cook them!

Firstly, we need a kubechik from oak rivets (Moscow and Ryazan masters do not make such dense barrels, and as a result, apples can be saturated with outer air and turn out too soft). Secondly, you need to carefully sort the apples: all summer varieties go aside, as well as all rotten or grabbed fruits. We need only autumn beautiful dense apples of medium sizes that are ideal for urinating.

If you have your own cottage and you want to soak your apples right there in the cellar, then know that for these purposes, oak judgment is best suitable – it will provide good conditions for urgently with temperatures and high humidity indoors. Just first give your crop to lie down in a dry place for a couple of weeks.

Put wheat or rye straw on the bottom and along the walls of your barrel (2 kg for every 100 kg of apples), then carefully place the fruits inside the barrel – approximately on ? Kadi or Sudzina. Cover with straw again on top.

Then you should start preparing a brine. Everything is strict here: 5 liters of brine for every 10 kg of apples. Water must be boiled, but before adding salt and sugar, cool it to room temperature. For every 5 liters you need approximately 150-200 grams of sugar and 75-80 grams of salt (based on your taste). As a rule, a specially processed malt is also added to the brine: every 50-60 grams of malt must be dissolved with 0.5 liters of water, then bring it to a boil and hold it out for about 15-20 minutes.

Immediately count on the fact that you need a lot of water. This, of course, is not an oak handmade font, where water is generally poured with thousands of liters, but 40-70 liters will go to the middle barrel for sure. In principle, for us, ladies, this stage is the most difficult purely physically. So the filling of the barrel is better to entrust to her husband – he, too, is sure that it will be interesting.

Well, after everything is ready, and the malt with a brine is flooded into the barrel, you can calmly relax and wait 2-3 months-by that time our soaked apples are just “matured” and you can enjoy their wonderful taste.

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