Spring salad

My lovely readers! We have spring in full swing, although the weather fails a little, at least where I live. Therefore, it is necessary to somehow hold on and maintain your immunity, which means to eat a lot of vitamins. And where is the most vitamins in the spring? That’s right, in spring salads. In the spring of salads you can figure out a lot. In principle, in May there are already tomatoes and cucumbers in the markets, but it is also scary to use them and a lot of different greenery. But, nevertheless, no matter what, I decided to buy tomatoes for salad, which I want to do with you.

And so that we need for the spring salad.

Tomatoes – gram 250; radish – gram 150; Onions – I took both the head of the blue and the feathers of the green; 200 grams of fetus or feta cheese; salt; pepper; vegetable oil.

We cut the blue onion into strips. Finely chop. Feathers of green onions, radishes, cut into cubes, chop up a broom. I think that it was possible to add would it and leaves of salad here, but I did not have. We salt everything and pepper and mix with vegetable oil.

Here is a variant of the spring salad that can be diversified by some other vitamins.

Hello your health and do not get sick, because soon the time of vacation!

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