Varieties of land

Sushi is a dish that consists of rice, which serves as the basis, and fillings in the form of seafood, vegetables, spices, fruits, nori.

You can order sushi of various types on the OSAVA website. . Here they are prepared by professional cooks in compliance with all traditions.

Sushi seafood are used mainly fresh, as well as smoked or pickled. You can buy them in a store or cook yourself. And for seasoning this dish, horseradish is used, soy sauce, pickled ginger, as well as a number of other ingredients that are suitable for you.

You can choose the best types of sushi on the OSAVA website. . there are sushi, perhaps not only to choose, but also ordering with delivery is not a house.

And in order to cook sushi yourself, you need to get acquainted with what they consist of and how sushi should look at the end of the cooking process.

Speaking briefly, then sushi is a small but very tasty lump of rice and fish, which are wrapped in a thin strip of noria. And such classic sushi is called Nigiria.

In addition to sushi of the classic appearance, there are two more main types called the axes of sushi and poppies. The main difference between the land lies in the very method of cooking, and in addition, this dish differs by the number of subspecies, which appeared due to the variety of fillings.

Packs of sushi is a roll with rice outside. It is prepared simply, the rice layer is laid out, the Nari sheet is upstairs, the filling is followed and formed by twisting the roll.

Sushi axes are like to eat Osaki residents. These are square sushi compressed in the form, which are simply prepared, rice, filling are folded in the form, and then the shape is tightly covered. Sushi of the axis are divided by Nanaredzusi, as well as Temarizusi.

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