The steps of the machine gun

The arrow corresponds to the part of the back of the pusher (from point 4 of the trajectory to point 5) to exit the rotor zone, followed by the rotor is 90 °, after which the false form comes to the position / position / comes to position /. The false form with sweets at this point is a turning vacuum downward. Under the false form on the platform fixed on the rotor, there is a box for sweets. After the rotor stops, the second part. Subsequent steps of the machine: the operation of the vacuum system, the free fall of sweets from the phalyform to the box, lowering the platform with boxes and turn the phalyform to its original position.

Similarly, you can read the other steps of the operation of the automatic machine in / and // Rotor positions available in other vertical chains. Parts of the movements that begin before the end of the cycle and end in the next cycle are divided into two parts with a circle corresponding to 360 ° the angle of rotation of the main shaft. However, there are unfinished vertical chains, at the end and beginning of which dashed arrows are summarized with the instructions for which circles in the subsequent cycle they should go, since the dashed arrow – logical connection – horizontal, corresponding to 360 ° of the angle of rotation of the main shaft, cannot be divided into two parts With the numbering of the point on the lower horizontal. Mugs in various vertical chains are interconnected by fat and dashed arrows. Some of the shooters go behind the field to the vertical chains for positions that are unspecified here /// and IV rotor.

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