Vegetarians and supporters without slaughter nutrition.

Many of them are convinced that with their health and abilities they are obliged precisely by a certain nutritional system. It is known that vegetarians do not eat meat, and supporters without slaughter nutrition go even further – they eat only products of plant origin. And indeed, as a rule, they are healthier than us, “omnivorous”. We turn to, however, to statistics.

Tens of thousands of long -livers (over 80 years old) were examined, but only those who remained “young”, t. e. was healthy, active, completely retained mental and mental abilities. Through a survey, they tried to find out the secret of how they managed to preserve their youth at such a respectable age. So 30-40 thousand were interviewed. long -livers in the USSR, USA and Japan.

It turned out that among them there were only about 9% of vegetarians and supporters without slaughter nutrition. It was not possible to establish any common principles common to all. Perhaps the only rule that everyone observed was that they never overeat. They also ate meat, and Japanese people emphasized that they always loved sweets. And finally, a common character trait was revealed: benevolence!

All of us should be concluded from this: if you want to live long and be healthy, observe moderation in everything, t. e. Golden the middle, and take care of your nerves!

Each cell of our body is continuously updated. As one of the most famous in the world of specialists in the nutrition of profiles. G. Shermen from Canada: “Our body is a pot of soup, which is continuously boiling while life lasts”. Approximately every 3 weeks, “new” blood is already flowing in us, even the most complete woman is updated for six months, and the fastest, in some 3-10 hours, our taste cells in the tongue are replaced. So our body is updated faster than every 7 years, as is commonly believed.

Only nerve cells remain unchanged. They are formed in the first 3 years of life and persist until its end, only lengthening when a person grows. And since nerve cells are not updated, they must be especially protected! Because thanks to them it is possible and necessary to maintain benevolence and good mood throughout the long life.

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