what is it, its types


One of the easiest in the preparation of snacks is a sandwich with which at least once, but each of us had to push. Currently, there are a great many variations of sandwiches, but the most correct is a sandwich consisting of bread and oil. The secret of this tradition is simple, because this word is translated from the German language. The preparation of sandwiches takes a very small amount of time and does not require special culinary skills and knowledge, and the most traditional constant component is bread. The main types of sandwiches are divided into:





The first type of sandwich sandwich, which is most common in Europe and the USA. Preparing such a snack is very simple for this: two pieces of bread or toast and some kind of filling, starting from meat with cheese and ending with stewed vegetables. It is according to the filling in the United States that they determine which region belongs to one or another sandwich. In Russia, such a snack appeared along with fast food restaurants in the early 90s. At the moment, triangular sandwiches are especially popular in the country. And it is precisely the recipes of the sandwiches that young housewives are now particularly cherished, because it was this type of sandwich that became traditional in order to give a husband or child to work as a snack. Perhaps the most delicate and sophisticated type of sandwich is Canapes, which very often can be found at the doses and holidays. Canapes are very miniature and compact, their average thickness varies from 1 to 7 centimeters, and the average weight is 60-80 grams, which is why such a sandwich can be eaten immediately, and not bite away a little – slightly – slightly. Preparation of this snack is a little more time, since all the ingredients have to be strung on skewers, and a huge number of options for cooking canapes can be found on this site . The last of the most popular species of sandwich is tarti, which, like canapes, are small enough in size. And the recipe for their preparation is very simple: a small piece of bread is taken, perhaps even a cracker, is smeared with oil and everything can be on top of anything, both sausages, ham and fish, and all kinds of pastes. Tartins are presented on a tray with a napkin and often laid with colored rows. Tartinki can be a great snack for the festive family table.

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