Carving – jewelry for the festive table

The art of cutting a variety of sculptures from vegetables and fruits is called carving. It appeared many centuries ago in Asia. Thus decorated a meager table, dishes on which were mainly of a plant nature. While in European countries that are rich in various products, there was no need for dishes in a special decoration. But time passed, and carving gradually began to penetrate into European countries. This is partly due to great competition in culinary affairs.

European carving is its simplicity. While Asian is a complex carvings, sophistication and even monumentality, which has been honed for years. The main thing is that the cook should not forget – the dish should be not only beautiful, but also delicious. In recent years, interest in carving has grown so much that it has already become not just the property of restaurants. No culinary competition is complete without beautifully decorated dishes.

To master carving, it will take a little patience, as well as special devices that facilitate the work of the master. But to make a real work of art, you need special training.

Now many skillful cooks offer fruit and vegetable carving to order. The beauty and grace of dishes will be an excellent decoration on the festive table, and the guests will be pleasantly surprised. Birthday, wedding or children’s holiday can turn into a real masterpiece if there are fruit and vegetable compositions made using carving technique on the table.

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