Chocolate mini -pudding – Culinary recipe with photo

Want to cook something very tasty and not harmful to your figure? Then these chocolate mini-pudins is the same recipe that you need.

1 of such a pudding contains only 126 kcal and 7 gr. fat, so you can not worry about your figure.

Ingredients for the preparation of chocolate mini-poundings:

3 tbsp. l. butter

120 g of chocolate with cocoa content of at least 62% (break into pieces)

3 cups of whole milk

1 cup of sugar

13 Sugar cups heat over medium heat.

Mix starch, cocoa poodle and salt. Add eggs, egg yolk and cream. Beat the mixture. Put it in a water bath and heat it for 30 seconds

Remove, add melted chocolate mixture, beat.

Put the dough into the dough with a tablespoon, put in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Bon appetit!

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