Grain coffee: Basic selection rules

Grain coffee is a weakness of many people, because there is no more aromatic drink in the world. Grain varieties of coffee have always been considered the highest quality, because only an integral grain can preserve the unique aroma of the drink loved by everyone. But now shops, including those on the Internet, are ready to offer you dozens of various varieties, and it is almost impossible to understand what really deserves attention.

In fact, coffee in grains extends its maximum popularity to only 2 main varieties: Arabica and Robust. It is these varieties that you drink in restaurants, cafes and coffee houses when you order a cup of your favorite drink. It can be done with milk, ice cream and so on. The universality and unique taste of such coffee affected such a widespread spread around the world.

But how to choose grain coffee? Produce its various countries:

• Brazil. This is the leader in the production of coffee. Gurmans call the Brazilian coffee the best among all other varieties. It does not contain sourness and other fragrances. Only the purest taste.

• Venezuela. This is a delicate taste, and the sourness mentioned above, which does not spoil the overall picture during tasting.

• Guatemala. A more exotic solution. In coffee, you can find fragrances of spices, as well as other tastes, which adds originality to your favorite drink.

• India. One of the most saturated and rich taste bouquets. The aroma is tangible even while cooking a cup of coffee.

• Indonesia. Taste for an amateur. Coffee is quite dense, gives hot bitter chocolate, and also has sourness.

• Well, Colombia is a favorite of light varieties of coffee. Gives fruits, as well as natural notes.

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