How to cook Ossetian pies

The famous Ossetian pies have been baked since time immemorial. Unusually tasty and satisfying, they became the popular property of the whole people, the recipe for their manufacture was carefully passed on from generation to generation and kept secret. Today, recipes of Ossetian pies are known all over the world, everyone can bake them. However, in order for the Ossetian cake to turn out not just a puff pie, but exactly the way our distant ancestors came up with it, you need to cook it in a special way.

Firstly, you need to remember that Ossetian pies baked for certain occasions. For example, pies with meat filling were present on the table only on large holidays, and those that were baked with a filling of cheese, potatoes, herbs or various vegetables were appropriate on any feast and on ordinary days. The most famous are cheese Ossetian pies, because Ossetian cheese has a specific kind of specific taste and aroma for them. They can be given even to daily dinner.

In this article we will tell you how to prepare Ossetian pies so that they fully meet all the requirements and be as delicate, fragrant and appetizing as those that they cook in Ossetia. So, the recipe for Ossetian cake with cheese filling.


850 ml of water

1.5 teaspoon of dry yeast

800 grams of flour (the quantity can vary before giving the test you need consistency)

30-50 grams of butter

1 teaspoon of sugar

1 teaspoon of salt

Filling – finely chopped Ossetian cheese, in the same amount as the dough.

Ossetian pies should be thin – so the preparation of the dough needs to be paid maximum attention. First you need to take 100 ml of water, dilute yeast in it, add sugar and a little flour. Mix thoroughly, cover with a dry towel and leave in a warm place to rise. Then you need to add salt that the resulting dough and pour flour to the remaining water. Knead. As a result, the usual soft, not sticking to the hands of yeast dough should be obtained.

The dough must be divided into parts – to make balls of 15 centimeters in diameter. Next, the dough should be rolled out, giving it a round shape. In the middle of the resulting circle, put the filling in the form of a flattened ball. Then the filling must be closed, for this, lift the edges of the dough and blind them in the middle. Turn the pie and put in the pan, giving it the desired shape with your hands. In the middle, it is necessary to make a hole for air output.

Ossetian pies are baked quite quickly – 5 minutes at the bottom of the hot oven, and 15-20 minutes upstairs so that the pie is browned. Then it must be abundantly lubricated with butter. If there is no time for the preparation of pies, and you want to tuck guests with them, there is delivery of Ossetian pies – having placed an order, after a short time you can get home hot, just made by experienced cooks pies.

As a filling, you can take any vegetables – zucchini, pumpkin, cabbage. Beans, mushrooms and spinach are also used. Giving Ossetian pies to a feast, you can be sure that invited guests will be pleasantly surprised by the presence on the table of such a tasty and ancient dish.

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