Learning to cook! Light and tasty salad.

Light and tasty salad

Sometimes I want something tasty, but there is no set of products for familiar recipes. Then we are experimenting!

The main thing is to understand what a light and tasty salad is.

Everything is simple here! Salad is a mixture of chopped vegetables, meat, poultry, fish, seasoned with sauce.

It is the sauce that often makes the salad light and tasty.

The gas station is not limited only to mayonnaise or oil, as they are used, unfortunately, in many of our families.

There are many options for experiments: sour cream, mustard, kefir, vinegar, tomato paste, lemon juice (and not only), soy sauce.

So when in the refrigerator there are no ingredients that we need for recipes for salad from the Internet, just turn on the imagination. And it will definitely help you create a light and tasty salad.

And here is an example of one such experiment 🙂

Take: meat from broth, three potatoes salted cucumber (or pickled champignons) on the bulb is sour or sweet and sour apple

3 eggs boiled boiled.

After another, cut everything with cubes, squares (or as you like). Mix in a beautiful cup and pour sauce.

But this is an art! The taste of our salad depends on the sauce.

I offer this option. Rub in a cup: one yolk (boiled eggs),

1/2 teaspoon of mustard (finished sold in the store), a teaspoon of sugar

1/3 teaspoon of salt, very little black pepper.

We mix everything well and put 2 tablespoons of sour cream. Stir and try. And if it is necessary to add salt and half a teaspoon of 3%of the vinegar.

Salad ready!

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