Ossetian pies: meat pie –

There are a lot of varieties of Ossetian pies, in this recipe I will tell you how to cook Ossetian cake with meat.

It is worth noting that if you are not ready to cook the pie yourself, you can safely order it, for example, to buy Ossetian pies in Moscow is not difficult. However, we are not looking for easy ways and proceed to the process.

Necessary ingredients:

For the test:

230 grams of wheat flour of the highest grade

One egg

1.5 cups of milk or water

For minced meat:

320 grams of meat (take in equal parts lamb without fat, pork and beef)

30 grams of onions

Three cloves of garlic



Ossetian pies: meat pie – how to cook:

First, sift the flour, after which we make a recess in the middle and pour kefir into it.

Then put the yeast, softened margarine and salt.

Knead the dough.

Cover it with a towel and remove it in a warm place in order for it to fit for two to three hours.

Further, before cutting, slightly remember it with a fork.

Then we divide it into two unequal parts.

First, we roll out the part that we will have a bottom, it should be 0 thick.5 – 1 cm.

Then we put it on a cast -iron pan, previously lubricated with that oil. We put in such a way that the edges of the pan are covered with dough.

Next, lay the meat filling, leaving it throughout the pan.

Now we roll out the second part of the dough, we will place it upstairs, in a cake with a thickness of 0.2 – 0.3 cm.

After that, in the middle of the upper cake, we make a hole.

Then we cover the pan with the upper cake, and draw along the edges with a rolling pin in order to cut off excess dough from the edges.

Clutch the edges.

How to cook a filling for an Ossetian meat pie:

We clean the meat from films, tendons and chop very finely.

Then add finely chopped onions, garlic, ground black pepper, salt to the meat, pour 30 – 35% broth to the weight.

Mix everything thoroughly.

Attention!!! With fatty meat, pour the broth less.

Well, that’s it, heat up to 250C the oven and put the pie to bake for 13-17 minutes, until a ruddy crust appears.

To the table, the Ossetian pie with meat is served hot, lubricating it with butter.

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