Recipe for salting cucumbers

Summer is the time of enjoying nature, relaxing in the country and traveling out of town. And also, this is the favorite time of the year of housewives who make stocks for the future. Ah, how nice it is to put salty, gently crushing, cucumber or put a dish with full -time tomatoes from a can in the mouth in the mouth.

Recipes of salting of cucumbers are very diverse. We offer one of them.

You will need the following ingredients: small cucumbers, the less, the better, water, salt, sugar, vinegar 70%, peas, garlic, dill, horseradish leaves, currants, raspberries and cherries.

So, let’s get down.

Cucumbers are best salt on the day of removal from the bush, but if it doesn’t work, put them in the refrigerator, dipping them in the water. Before work, wash and cut the ends.

Banks must be sterilized. For this, the washed dishes are kept over the steam for seven minutes. There is a second, less known way. Banks put on a metal lattice in the oven for 10-15 minutes, at a temperature of 110 ° C. The lids are kept in boiling water, about the same amount of time.


Leaves of currants, horseradish, raspberries or cherries are laid on the bottom of the jar. You can choose from. These plants will make cucumbers crispy. 2-3 peas of pepper, 1-2 lumber of garlic, a spoonful of medium grinding, a little sugar, a twig of dill are thrown to a liter volume. Next, cucumbers are distributed. Then, boiling water is poured into the banks. A vinegar is added at the end, approximately a teaspoon per 1000 ml of brine. Its amount depends on the size of the fruit.

At the end, the covers are hermetically tight, and the sunset are removed in a dark place for a day.

Bon appetit!

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